Friday, March 12, 2010

Abrazos y Besos

I ditched my 7 year old PUMA sneakers in a ditch after stepping 4 feet in was time.

In other news, I am doing sick nasty here in Argentina. Thats a good thing for all you non-slag-un-hip hoppers out there reading this blog. Speaking of slang, theres an encyclopedia full of Argentinean slang words and expressions (no joke!). Im on my way, and with the help of my new Tigre friends, I have no problems uttering, "Man, I gotta piss" "Stop breaking my balls!" "That's a fine ass" and "Go to the shell of your mother!" Yes, I am learning a lot.

Abril, the granddaughter sometimes living in my home stay, has a group of amazingly beautiful (inner and outer) friends in TIgre - a "tranquilo" spot about 40 minute from my house by train. Last night, I journeyed to Tigre without Abril and us jovenes went down to Ahora Club, the hottest boliche (dance club) in Tigre on Thursday nights. Wow, that place got packed and awesome fast! Fernet is the Jaegermeister of Argentina. If you don't like Fernet, they banish you to Uruguay.

A word about being an extranjero (foreigner) in Buenos Aires......EVERYONE wants to talk to you! Its like I am some saint from Los Angeles that has landed in their presence to shed words of either English or Spanish wisdom or just sheer entertainment on their souls. Either way, it is undoubtedly fantastic that I have a social charm and can speak Castellano. I can make friends quickly - which has led to some nice perks. Last night, I met two guys, one whose father can get me a Brazilian visa whenever I desire, and the other who knows where to find the best live music in BsAs, and loves to jam....score!

I started school this week (notice how it is not at the top of this blog entry...). Gripping into school life after months of freedom is like holding on to a rope swing no hands. While I wanted to take all classes in Spanish, Contemporary Art was deathly boring, and the Literature classes will eat me alive. I might take an Argentine Lit. class in English - that way, I can actually learn, read, and apply the Canon instead of drowning in a dictionary for 4 months. And, after switching things around - tryin a lil this and that - I think I have a good schedule. Classes Tues, Wed, and Thurs. Argentine Culture, History of Argentine Economics, and Spanish grammar all in Castellano, and Arg. Lit in English. Not bad.

There must be a 4/5 girl guy ratio in my school which is AWESOME for me and the other gentlemen. And, the girls are smoking hot. I flirt around using Spanish slang here and there. Yesterday, I told the photocopy girl that she had beautiful eyelashes (which they were - purple).

Fresh plums at 7 in the morning after a night of dancing can work wonders. My parents get into town tomorrow...WhooOoOA! I hope they get over their jet lag fast - cuz I wanna party!

Un beso,

And I will post some fresh poetry shortly.



    purple eyelashes!!!
    you ladies man. i heard this guy read poetry last night at an open mic and his style reminded me of yours except... not as good. duh. me & g are making a demo. awesomeness. i love you and i'm so glad you have this blog cause i'm addicted to your adventures.
