Tuesday, February 2, 2010


"A nightmare's nightmare is a timeshare in nowhere"
(c) DJR

I wrote this amidst all the chaos occurring in my head last night...

There is a snake under my bed
With one thousand eyes.

The night was long
The morning is black
I'm sinking in my own sweat.
A puddle of fresh squeezed orange juice
With black beans on my breath
A man filled with lies
Might explode one of these days
But the night was long
The morning is black
Will everything be ok?
Stuck inside a nightmare's nightmare
A puzzle
A funnel
A hole
With teeth inside my upper-side lips
My bottom mouth is broken.
Realizing my monster make-up
A woman with big breasts attacks me.
Thinking it's over, I awake in bed
A bed suspended over my head.
Comedic bank robbers with plastic guns
Point their pistols at me.
I throw a fist of quarters and scream
On the water of a giant river
With straw houses floating
Paolo enters my dream.
We sit at a cafe
And I order Tai Chi
She calls me a girl
And it's real
I believe.
My nightmare
Reeks of poison
It's texture is gas on fire.

I open eyes to find
The morning
Than the night.


  1. i'm reading all of these.
    keep it up.
    half my heart is in argentina :)

  2. i mean... guatemala haha
