Monday, April 12, 2010

Mendoza Mendoza

First off, if you haven´t read any of - you should. Greg is a close family friend currently traveling the world, and just dove into hot water in Southeast Asia. is´s brother blog and should be visited. He is a great writer, too.

Anyways, after rolling into Belgrano at 9 AM, I stumbled off the bus, with a mountain of crap on my back, and a heavy box of party favors in hands. A long weekend in Mendoza can do the soul good - not good - but great! I somehow hail a cab and pour in with my head treading above its own exhaustion. I look to my left and see a mirage, but it´s really her. Abril, my close Argentinian friend/ homestay granddaughter...remember? is standing on the corner waiting for a bus. I scream her name, flailing my arms - attracting half-open-9 AM Argentinian eyes towards the cab. She gives me a "what the fuck" grin before the cab speeds off in the other direction. The cab driver Luís says something to the degree of "Damn, shes a hot mama" and we immediately dive into conversation ranging from Mendoza economics to painting minature helicopters.

Now, 7 hours and a grand siesta later, I look back at the weekend of what I thought would be the Wally´s World of wine. We did visit 2 bodegas, wine taste juuuuust a lil´ bit, and made multiple rounds at the gift shops, but that was miniscule compared to the outdoorsiness of the weekend. We are talking 2 gorgeous hikes, rafting, a huge dam, and constant fútbol. The adventure leaders at "extremo" even through us an 8th grade style dance party, except this one had a bar, an even worse DJ than 2002, but way better rainbow disco lights. The gift shop spree sure came in handy that night...

With the nature detox still permeating through my mind, I try to block out the ruckus of buses outside and 90s pop music blasting from this internet cafe. Mendoza Mendoza, save me another dance, will ya?

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